ÖH Goodie Bag for all departing cohort representatives

The cohort representatives are in direct contact with their respective cohort. They are the first point of contact for students with concerns, questions and problems related to their studies. The tasks are very diverse and include coordination between the students, the teachers and the responsible study administration, administrative tasks and are, among other things, the first link to your local ÖH.

As a thank you for taking on this task, the departing JVs will receive a small gift from the ÖH IMC Krems, which can be picked up at any time from Friday, April 19! (Campus West, office E.04)!

Attention: all departing JVs have already been informed via e-mail!

We wish all JVs lots of fun with the goodie bag and all the best for the future!

Your ÖH IMC Krems – Students’ Union

Image source: private